clear; clc; // Illustration 8.7 // Page: 312 printf('Illustration 8.7 - Page: 312\n\n'); // solution // Fom Illustration 8.6: y1 = 0.02; y2 = 0.00102; m = 0.125; x2 = 0.005; x1 = 0.1063; // Number of transfer units: // Method a: y1_star = m*x1; y2_star = m*x2; yDiffy_star1 = y1-y1_star; yDiffy_star2 = y2-y2_star; yDiffy_starm = (yDiffy_star1-yDiffy_star2)/log(yDiffy_star1/yDiffy_star2); // From Eqn. 8.48: NtoG = (y1-y2)/yDiffy_starm; printf("NtoG according to Eqn. 8.48: %f\n",NtoG); // Mehod b: // From Illustration 8.3: A = 1.424; NtoG = (log((((y1-(m*x2))/(y2-(m*x2)))*(1-(1/A)))+(1/A)))/(1-(1/A)); printf("NtoG according to Eqn. 8.50: %f\n",NtoG); // Method c: // Operating Line: // From Illustration 8.3: X_prime = [0.00503 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.1190]; x_prime = [0.00502 0.01961 0.0385 0.0566 0.0741 0.0909 0.1063] Y_prime = [0.00102 0.00357 0.00697 0.01036 0.01376 0.01714 0.0204]; y_prime = [0.00102 0.00356 0.00692 0.01025 0.01356 0.01685 0.0200]; deff("[y] = f2(x)","y = m*x") x = [0:0.01:0.14]; scf(12); plot(x_prime,y_prime,x,f2); legend("Operating Line","Equilibrium Line",); xgrid(); xlabel("mole fraction of benzene in liquid"); ylabel("mole fraction of benzene in gas"); // From graph: NtoG = 8.7; printf("NtoG from graph: %f\n",NtoG); // Method d: // from Fig 8.10: Y_star = [0.000625 0.00245 0.00483 0.00712 0.00935 0.01149 0.01347]; ordinate = zeros(7); for i = 1:7 ordinate(i) = 1/(Y_prime(i)-Y_star(i)); end scf(13); plot(Y_prime,ordinate); xgrid(); xlabel("Y"); ylabel("1/(Y-Y*)"); title("Graphical Integration"); // Area under the curve: Ac = 8.63; // From Eqn. 8.36: NtoG = Ac+(1/2)*log((1+y2)/(1+y1)); printf("NtoG from graphical integration: %f\n",NtoG); // Height of transfer units: NtoG = 9.16; // From Illustration 6.6: Fga = 0.0719;// [kmol/cubic m.s] Fla = 0.01377;// [kmol/cubic m.s] Gav = 0.0609;// [kmol/square m.s] L = 1.787*10^(-3);// [kmol/s] X1 = x1/(1-x1); X2 = x2/(1-x2); Area = 0.1746;// [square m] Lav = L*((1+X1)+(1+X2))/(2*Area); // From Eqn. 8.24: Htg = Gav/Fga;// [m] // From Eqn. 8.31: Htl = Lav/Fla;// [m] // since Solutions are dilute: HtoG = Htg+Htl/A;// [m] printf("HtoG: %f m\n",HtoG); Z = HtoG*NtoG;// [m] printf("The depth of packing recquired is %f m",Z);