clear; clc; // Illustration 3.3 // Page: 69 printf('Illustration 3.3 - Page: 69\n\n'); // solution // Heat transfer analog to Eqn. 3.12 // The Eqn. remains the same with the dimensionless conc. ratio replaced by ((tl-to)/(ti-to)) // The dimensionless group: // eta = 2*Dab*L/(3*del^2*velocity); // eta = (2/3)*(Dab/(del*velocity))*(L/del); // Ped = Peclet no. for mass transfer // eta = (2/3)*(1/Ped)*(L/del); // For heat transfer is replaced by // Peh = Peclet no. for heat transfer // eta = (2/3)*(1/Peh)*(L/del); // eta = (2/3)*(alpha/(del*velocity))*(L/del); // eta = (2*alpha*L)/(3*del^2*velocity); printf('Heat transfer analog to Eqn. 3.21 is eta = (2*alpha*L)/(3*del^2*velocity)');