//Example 7.6 //page 441 //Control Systems: Principles and Design //M Gopal, Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill //Chapter:Compensator Design Using Root Locus xdel(winsid())//close all graphics Windows clear; clc; //transfer function s=%s; P=1/((s)*(s+2)*(s^2+2*s+5)); //Root locus plot using evans root locus f=figure() evans(P) title("Root locus of 1/((s)*(s+2)*(s^2+2*s+5))",'fontsize',5) h=legend(''); h.visible="OFF" zoom_rect([-2 -1.5 2 1.5]*kpure(P)/3) a=gca(); a.x_location="origin" a.y_location="origin" a.parent.background=8; legends(['root locus';'';'asymptotic directions';'open loop poles'],[2,3,1,-2],with_box=%f,opt="ur",2.8) sgrid(); K=poly(0,'K') R= routh_t(P,K); disp(R,'Routh Array=') kval= kpure(P) disp(kval,'Limiting Gain Kmax=')