//Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution by S.N.Singh //Publisher:PHI Learning Private Limited //Year: 2012 ; Edition - 2 //Example 6.1 //Scilab Version : 6.0.0 ; OS : Windows clc; clear; reser_catch_area=50; //Catchment area of reservoir in km^2 avg_rainfall=150; //Average rainfall in cm/year station_head=40; //Mean head of station in m UF=0.75; //Utilization factor LF=0.75; //Load factor tur_eff=0.88; //Efficiency of turbine gen_eff=0.93; //Efficiency of generator water_volume=reser_catch_area*10^6*1.5*UF; //Available water for electricity production in m^3 Q=water_volume/(365*24*60*60); //Available quantity in m^3/sec P=(0.736/75)*Q*1000*station_head*tur_eff*gen_eff; //Power of station in kW install_cap_gen=P/LF; //Generator installed capacity in kW printf("\nThe power is %.2f kW",P); printf("\nInstalled capacity of the generator is %.f kW",install_cap_gen); //variation present in result due to wrong calculation of Q value