//Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution by S.N.Singh //Publisher:PHI Learning Private Limited //Year: 2012 ; Edition - 2 //Example 10.7 //Scilab Version : 6.0.0 ; OS : Windows clc; clear; h=8; //Height of conductor in m r=0.01; //Radius of conductor in m D=4; //Distance of conductor in m L=10; //Length of the line in km V=33; //Supply voltage in kV f=50; //Supply frequency in Hz Cab=(%pi*(10^(-9))/(36*%pi))/(log(D/r)*(1/(sqrt(1+(D^(2)/(2*h)^(2)))))); //Capacitance between conductors a and b in pF/m Can=Cab*2; //Capacitance between phase and neutral plane in pF/m Cab1=(%pi*(10^(-9))/(36*%pi))/log(D/r); //Capacitance between conductors when effect of earth is ignored in pF/m Ic=2*%pi*f*Cab*L*V*10^3*10^3; //Charging Current of the line in A printf("\nCapacitance between conductors is %.2f pF/m",Cab/(10^-12)); printf("\nCapacitance between phase and neutral plane is %.2f pF/m",Can/(10^-12)); printf("\nCapacitance ehen effect of ground is neglected is %.2f pF/m",Cab1/(10^-12)); printf("\nCharging current is %.3f A",Ic);