//Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution by S.N.Singh //Publisher:PHI Learning Private Limited //Year: 2012 ; Edition - 2 //Example 10.5 //Scilab Version : 6.0.0 ; OS : Windows clc; clear; r=0.03; //Conductor Radius in m d=0.35; //Spacing between Phase Conductors in m D=4; //Distance between Phases in m LA=((1*10^(-7))*((log((D*(D+d)*2*D*(2*D+d)*D*(D-d)*2*D*(2*D-d))^(1/2)/(0.7788*r*d)^2))+(%i*0.866)*log((D*(D+d)*D*(D-d))/(2*D*(2*D+d)*2*D*(2*D-d)))))*10^(6); //Phase A Inductance in mH/km LB=(1*10^(-7))*((log(((D*(D-d)*D*(D+d)*D*(D+d)*D*(D-d))^(1/2))/(0.7788*r*d)^2))+(%i*0.866)*log((D*(D+d)*D*(D-d))/(D*(D-d)*D*(D+d))))*10^(6); //Phase B Inductance in mH/km LC=LA; //Phase C Inductance in mH/km L_avg=(LA+LB+LC)/3; //Average Inductance in mH/km printf("\nInductance of phase A is %.3f%.3fi mH/km",real(LA),imag(LA)); printf("\nInductance of phase B is %.3f mH/km",LB); printf("\nInductance of phase C is %.3f%.3fi mH/km",real(LC),imag(LC)); printf("\nAverage inductance of the line is %.3f mH/km",L_avg); //Variation present in result due to wrong calculation of LA and LB value