//Ball falls vertically //refer fig. 18.8 //Velocity of the ball which striking plane=3*g //Component of velocity down the plane=3*g*sind(20) //Component of velocity in the line of impact before striking //vy=-3*g*cosd(20) //velocity after the impact after striking plane //vy=2.4*g*cosd(20) //Acceleration in the line of impact=-g*cosd(20) //Using kinematic equation t=4.8 //sec //vx=3*g*sind(20) //Acceleration in this direction=g*sind(20) //Distance travelled in 4.8 sec s=(3*9.81*t*sind(20))-((9.81*t*t*sind(20))/(2)) //m The answer provided in the textbook is wrong printf("\nt=%.4f sec\ns=%.4f m",t,s)