//ship approaching port //refer fig. 14.13 and 14.14 //let west be x and north be y axes //speed in kmph is vBx=25*sind(45) vBy=25*cosd(45) vAx=-15 vAy=0 //Let vr be the relative velocity of B w.r.t. A vrx=17.678-(-15) //kmph vry=17.678 //kmph vr=sqrt((32.678^2)+(17.678^2)) //kmph alpha=atand(17.678/32.678) //degree t=(50*cosd(alpha))/(vr) //hours //during this time A has moved in east by (da) da=15*1.1837 //km //and B has moved in N 45 degree W a distance (db) db=25*1.1837 //km printf("\nt=%.2f hours\nA has moved in east by da=%.2f km\nB has moved in N 45 degree W a distance db=%.2f km",t,da,db)