//Two ships //refer fig.14.8,14.9 and 14.10 //Taking west direction as x-axis and north direction as y-axis //velocities in kmph are vAx=30*sind(30) vAy=30*cosd(30) vBx=40*sind(45) vBy=-40*sind(45) vrx=15-28.284 vry=25.98-(-28.284) vr=sqrt((13.284^2)+(54.264^2)) theta=atand((13.284)/(54.264)) //degree printf("\nFrom B, ship A appears to move with a velocity of %.2f kmph in N %.2f degree E direction",vr,theta) //relative distance after half an hour (drel) drel=55.866*(1/2) //km printf("\nRelative distance after half an hour=%.2f km",drel)