//control systems by Nagoor Kani A //Edition 3 //Year of publication 2015 //Scilab version 6.0.0 //operating systems windows 10 // Example 2.2 clc; clear; n1=20//no of teeth in first gear n2=10//no of teeth in second gear diratio=n1/n2 disp(diratio,'the ratio of diameters is') theta1=40//gear1 is rotated by an angle of 40 degree theta2=(n1/n2)*theta1 disp(theta2,'displace ment of gear2 in (degrees)') as1=30//angular speed of gear1 is 30 rad/sec as2=(n1/n2)*as1 disp(as2,' angular speed of gear2 in(rad/sec)') aa2=4//angular accleration of gear 2 is 4 rad/sec^2 aa1=(n2/n1)*aa2 disp(aa1,'angular accleration of gear 1 in (rad/sec^2)') t1=5//torque on gear1 5N-m t2=(n2/n1)*t1 disp(t2,'torque on gear2 in (N-m)')