clear // Variable declaration Cc=700// The cooling capacity in kW P_c=170// The compressor power in kW c_b=0.0012// Concentration of solids in bleed-off (kg/kg) c_m=0.00056// Concentration of solids in make-up water in kg/kg // Calculation E_tc=Cc+P_c// Cooling tower capacity in kW h_fg=2420// Latent heat of water vapour in kJ/kg w_e=E_tc*10**3/h_fg// Rate of evaporation in g/s w_m=(w_e*(c_b))/(c_b-c_m)// Rate of make up in kg/s w_bo=w_m-w_e// Rate of bleed off in kg/s printf("\n \nRate of make up=%0.2f kg/s \nRate of bleed off=%0.2f kg/s",w_m/1000,w_bo/1000)