// Book - Power System: Analysis & Design 5th Edition // Authors - J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sharma, Thomas J. Overbye // Chapter - 4 : Example 4.9 // Scilab Version 6.0.0 : OS - Windows clc; clear; Vxy = 20; // Line voltage in kV e = 8.854*10^-12; r = (0.023*0.3048); // Radius of the copper conductor in metre Cxy = 5.178*10^-12; // Line to Line capacitance in F/m qx = ((Cxy)*(Vxy)*(10^3)); // Charge in Columb/metre qy = -qx; // Charge in Columb/metre Er = (qx/(2*%pi*e*r))*(1/1000)*(1/100); // conductor surface electric field strength in kVrms/cm Xx = -0.762; // Coordinate for conuctor x with the reference point R Yx = 0.762; // Coordinate for conuctor Y with the reference point R w = 5.49; // Distance of the conductor from the reference point along Y axis z = (2*%pi*e); g = ((2*w)/(w^2)); n = (2*w)/((5.49)^2+(Yx+Yx)^2); Ek = (qx/z)*(g-n)*10^-3; // Ground-level electric field strength in kV/m printf('conductor surface electric field strength is (Er) = %0.2f kVrms/cm', Er); printf('\nGround-level electric field strength is (Ek) = %0.4f kV/m', Ek);