//===================================================================================== //Chapter 13 example 5 clc;clear all; //variable declaration N = 1; //number of turns on search coil Rc = 0.025; //resistance of search coil in Ω Nw = 1.5*10^-4; //number of wb-turns required for deflection of 1 division M = 120000; //reluctane of magnetic circuit MMF = 8000; //magnetic circuit is excited in ampere-turn f = 1.5*10^-4; //fluxmeter without shunt (K/N = phi/theta) theta =120; //calculations phi = (MMF/(M)); //flux produced in WB //phi = ((Rs+Rc)/Rs)*((K*theta)/N) Rs = (Rc*f*theta)/(phi-(f*theta)); //resistance of shunt in Ω //result mprintf("resistance of shunt = %3.2e Ω",Rs);