clear // // //Initilization of Variables q_b=80 //N/mm**2 //Shear stress in Brass q_s=100 //N/mm**2 //Shear stress in Steel G_b=40*10**3 //N/mm**2 G_s=80*10**3 L_b=1000 //mm //Length of brass shaft L_s=1200 //mm //Length of steel shaft d1=80 //mm //Diameter of brass shaft d2=60 //mm //Diameter of steel shaft //Calculations //Polar modulus of brass rod J_b=%pi*32**-1*d1**4 //mm**4 //Polar modulus of steel rod J_s=%pi*32**-1*d2**4 //mm**4 //Considering bras Rod:AB T1=J_b*q_b*(d1*2**-1)**-1 //N-mm //Considering Steel Rod:BC T2=J_s*q_s*(d2*2**-1)**-1 //N-mm //Max Torque that can be applied T2 //Let theta_b and theta_s be the rotations in Brass and steel respectively theta_b=T2*L_b*(G_b*J_b)**-1 //Radians theta_s=T2*L_s*(G_s*J_s)**-1 //Radians theta=theta_b+theta_s //Radians //Rotation of free end //Result printf("\n Total of free end is %0.3f Radians",theta)