clear // // //Initilization of Variables D_s=30 //mm //Diameter of steel rod d=30 //mm //Internal Diameter of copper tube D=40//mm //External Diameter of copper tube E_s=2*10**5 //N/mm**2 //Youngs Modulus of Steel rod E_c=1*10**5//N/mm**2 //Youngs Modulus of copper tube P=100 //N //Load h=40 //mm //height from which Load falls L=800 //mm //Length //Calculations //Area of steel rod A_s=%pi*4**-1*D_s**2 //Area of copper tube A_c=%pi*4**-1*(D**2-d**2) //But Dell_s=dell_c=dell //p_s*E_s**-1*L=p_c*L*E_c //After simplifying furthe we get //p_s=2*p_c //Now Equating internal Energy to Workdone we get p_c=(2*P*h*L**-1*(4*A_s*E_s**-1+A_c*E_c**-1))**0.5 p_s=2*p_c //Result printf("\n STress produced in steel is %0.2f N/mm**2",p_s) printf("\n STress produced in copper is %0.2f N/mm**2",p_c)