clear // //Initilization of Variables L=500 //mm //Length of rectangular cross section bar A=20*40 //mm**2 //Area of rectangular cross section bar P1=4*10**4 //N //Tensile Force on 20mm*40mm Faces P2=2*10**5 //N //compressive force on 20mm*500mm Faces P3=3*10**5 //N //Tensile Force on 40mm*500mm Faces E=2*10**5 //N/mm**2 //Youngs Modulus mu=0.3 //Poissons Ratio //Calculations //Let P_x,P_y,P_z be the forces n x,y,z directions P_x=P1*A**-1 P_y=P2*A**-1 P_z=P3*A**-1 //Let e_x,e_y,e_z be the strains in x,y,z directions e_x=1*E**-1*(50+mu*20-15*mu) e_y=1*E**-1*(-mu*50-20-mu*15) e_z=1*E**-1*(-mu*50+mu*20+15) //Volumetric strain e_v=e_x+e_y+e_z //Volume V=20*40*500 //mm**3 //Change in Volume dell_v=e_v*V //mm**3 //Result printf("\n The change in Volume is %0.2f mm**3",dell_v)