clear // // //Initilization of Variables d=20 //mm //Diameter of bar P=37.7*10**3 //N //Load L=200 //mm //Guage Length dell=0.12 //mm //Extension dell_d=0.0036 //mm //contraction in diameter //Calculations //Area of bar A=%pi*4**-1*d**2 //Let s and dell_s be the Linear strain and Lateral strain s=dell*L**-1 dell_s=dell_d*d**-1 mu=dell_s*s**-1 //Poissons ratio //dell=P*L*(A*E)**-1 E=P*L*(dell*A)**-1 //N/mm**2 //Modulus of Elasticity of bar //Modulus of Rigidity G=E*(2*(1+mu))**-1 //N/mm**2 //Bulk Modulus K=E*(3*(1-2*mu))**-1 //N/mm**2 //result printf("\n Poissons ratio is %0.2f ",mu) printf("\n The Elastic constant are:E %0.2f ",E) printf("\n :G %0.2f ",G) printf("\n :K %0.2f ",K)