clear // // //Initilization of Variables L=500 //mm //Length of assembly D=16 //mm //Diameter of steel bolt Di=20 //mm //internal Diameter of copper tube Do=30 //mm //External Diameter of copper tube E_s=2*10**5 //N/mm**2 //Modulus of Elasticity of steel E_c=1.2*10**5 //N/mm**2 //Modulus of Elasticity of copper p=2 //mm //Pitch of nut //Calculations //Let P_s be the Force in bolt and P_c be the FOrce in copper tube //P_s=-P_s dell=1*4**-1*2 //Quarter turn of nut total movement //dell=dell_s+dell_c //Area of steel A_s=%pi*4**-1*D**2 //Area of copper A_c=%pi*4**-1*(Do**2-Di**2) //dell=P*L*(A_s*E_s)**-1+P*L*(A_c*E_c)**-1 P=dell*(1*(A_s*E_s)**-1+1*(A_c*E_c)**-1)**-1*L**-1 //LOad P_s=P*A_s**-1 P_c=P*A_c**-1 //result printf("\n stress introduced in bolt is %0.2f N/mm**2",P_s) printf("\n stress introduced in tube is %0.2f N/mm**2",P_c)