clear // // //Initilization of Variables P_e=300 //N/mm**2 //Elastic Limit in tension FOS=3 //Factor of safety mu=0.3 //Poissons ratio P=12*10**3 //N Pull Q=6*10**3 //N //Shear force //Calculations //Let d be the diameter of the shaft //Direct stress //P_x=P*(%pi*4**-1*d**3)**-1 //After substituting values and further simplifying we get //P_x=48*10**3 //Now shear stress at the centre of bolt //q=4*3**-1*q_av //After substituting values and further simplifying we get //q=32*10**3*(%pi*d**2)**-1 //Principal stresses are //P1=P_x*2**-1+((P_x*2**-1)**2+q**2)**0.5 //After substituting values and further simplifying we get //p1=20371.833*(d**2)**-1 //P2=P_x*2**-1-((P_x*2**-1)**2+q**2)**0.5 //After substituting values and further simplifying we get //P2=-5092.984*(d**2)**-1 //q_max=((P_x*2**-1)**2+q**2)**0.5 //From Max Principal stress theory //Permissible stress in Tension P1=100 //N/mm**2 d=(20371.833*P1**-1)**0.5 //Max strain theory //e_max=P1*E**-1-mu*P2*E**-1 //After substituting values and further simplifying we get //e_max=21899.728*(d**2*E)**-1 //According to this theory,the design condition is //e_max=P_e*(E*FOS)**-1 //After substituting values and further simplifying we get d2=(21899.728*3*300**-1)**0.5 //mm //Max shear stress theory //e_max=shear stress at elastic*(FOS)**-1 //After substituting values and further simplifying we get d3=(12732.421*6*300**-1)**0.5 //mm //Result printf("\n Diameter of Bolt by:Max Principal stress theory %0.2f mm",d) printf("\n :Max strain theory %0.2f mm",d2) printf("\n :Max shear stress theory %0.2f mm",d3)