clear // //The composite figure is divided into three simple figures and taking A as origin coordinates of their centroids //variable declaration L1=400.0 //length of wire AB,mm L2=150.0*%pi //length of wire BC,mm L3=250.0 //length of wire CD,mm theta=30*%pi/180 //The wire is divided into three segments AB, BC and CD. Taking A as origin the coordinates of the centroids of AB, BC and CD are (X1,Y1),(X2,Y2),(X3,Y3) X1=200.0 X2=475.0 X3=400+300.0+250*cos(theta)/2 Y1=0 Y2=2*150/%pi Y3=125*sin(theta) L=L1+L2+L3 //Total length,mm xc=(L1*X1+L2*X2+L3*X3)/L printf("\n xc= %0.2f mm",xc) yc=(L1*Y1+L2*Y2+L3*Y3)/L printf("\n yc= %0.2f mm",yc)