clear // //Now, we cannot find a joint with only two unknown forces without finding reactions. //Consider the equilibrium of the entire frame,Sum of moments about A is zero,Horizontal forces & Vertical forces is zero. //variable declaration PB=40.0 PC=50.0 PE=60.0 theta=60.0 RD=(PC*3+PE*2+PB*1)/(4.0) RA=PB+PC+PE-RD FAB=RA/sin(theta*%pi/180) printf("\n FAB= %0.4f KN (Comp.)",FAB) FAE=FAB*cos(theta*%pi/180) printf("\n FAE= %0.4f KN (Tension)",FAE) FDC=RD/sin(theta*%pi/180) printf("\n FDC= %0.4f KN (Comp.) ",FDC) FDE=FDC*cos(theta*%pi/180) printf("\n FDE= %0.4f KN (Tension) ",FDE) FBE=(FAB*sin(theta*%pi/180)-PB)/sin(theta*%pi/180) FBC=(FAB+FBE)*(0.5) printf("\n FBC= %0.4f KN (Comp.)",FBC) FCE=(FDC*sin(theta*%pi/180)-PC)/(sin(theta*%pi/180)) printf("\n FCE= %0.4f KN (Tension)",FCE)