clear // // Two cylinders, A of weight 4000 N and B of weight 2000 N rest on smooth inclines. They are connected by a bar of negligible weight hinged to each cylinder at its geometric centre by smooth pins //variable declaration WA=4000.0 //weight of cylinder A,N WB=2000.0 //weight of cylinder B,N thetaWA=60.0*%pi/180.0 //inclination of wall with cylinderA,° thetaWB=45.0*%pi/180.0 //inclination of wall with cylinderB,° thetaAb=15.0*%pi/180.0 //angle inclination bar with cylinder A ,N thetaBb=15.0*%pi/180.0 //angle inclination bar with cylinder B ,N //he free body diagram of the two cylinders. Applying Lami’s theorem to the system of forces on cylinder A, we get C=WA*sin(thetaWA)/sin(thetaWA+(%pi/2)-thetaAb) //Consider cylinder B. Summation of the forces parallel to the inclined plane P=(-WB*cos(thetaWB)+C*cos(thetaWA))/cos(thetaBb) printf("\n P= %0.1f N",P)