//Example 9.11: Reduction of state table clc // Clears the console disp("Given State Table") disp("q | x=0 x=1 | z") disp('--------------------------------') disp("A | B E | 0") disp("B | D A | 1") disp("C | G A | 0") disp("D | F G | 1") disp("E | B C | 0") disp("F | D G | 1") disp("G | D E | 1") disp('The SP partition is also ouput consistent. The smallest equivalent system is given below') disp(" q | x=0 x=1 | z") disp('------------------------------------') disp(" A | B A | 0") disp(" B | D A | 1") disp(" D | D B | 1") //displays the reduced state table.