//Caculate the Molal Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in water //Example 7.3 clc; clear; Pco2=3.3*10^-4*760; //Partial pressure of CO2 in air in torr K=1.24*10^6; //Henry's Law Constant in torr Xco2=Pco2/K; //Mole raction of solue (CO2) nH2O=1000/18.01; //Mole fraction of solvent (H2O)in mol^-1 nCO2=Xco2*nH2O; //Molal solubility of CO2 in mol/kg(H2O) printf("Molal Solubility of Carbon di Oxide = %.2f*10^-5 mol/kg",nCO2*10^5); Kdes=29.3; //Henry's Law Constant in atm mol^-1 kg^-1 m=(Pco2/760)/Kdes; //Molal solubilty of CO2 in mol/kg(H2O)(Alternatively we can find out )(The answer vary due to round off error) printf("\nMolal solubility = %.2f*10^-5 atm mol^-1 kg^-1",m*10^5);