//Calculate the standard molar Enthalpy of activation (delH),standard molar Entropy of activation (delS)and Standard molar Gibbs energy of activation (delG) for the reaction CH3NC(g)=CH3CN(g) //Example 12.2 clc; clear; k=4.0*10^13; //Pre exponential factor in s^-1 KB=1.381*10^-23; //Boltzman constant in J K^-1 h=6.626*10^-34; //Planck's constant in J s R=8.314; //Gas constant in J K^-1 mol^-1 T=300; //Absolute temperature in K e=2.718; //ln constant delS=log((k*h)/(e*KB*T))*R; // Standard molar Entropy in J K^-1 mol^-1 printf("Standard molar Entropy = %.2f J K^-1 mol^-1",delS); Ea=272; //Activation Energy in kJ mol^-1 delH=Ea-(R*T/1000); //Standard molar Enthalpy in kJ mol^-1 printf("\n Standard molar Enthalpy = %.0f kJ mol^-1",delH); delG=delH-(T*delS/1000); //Standard molar Gibbs energy in kJ mol^-1(The answer vary due to round off error) printf("\n Standard molar Gibbs Energy = %.3f kJ mol^-1",delG);