//Calculate the concentration of the undissociated acid ,the H positive ion and the CN negative ion .And the percent dissociation //Example 11.1 clc; clear; Ka=4.9*10^-10; //Dissociatin constant of weak acid HCN at 298 K x1=0.050; //Concentration of HCN in M ,(HCN is a aweak acid assuming that at equilibrium the undissociated molecule of HCN is also same ) x=(Ka*x1)^(1/2); //Concentration of H ion and CN ion at equilibrium in M (cocentration of both ion is equal) printf("Concentration of ion = %.0f*10^-6 M",x*10^6); x2=x1-x; //Concentration of undissociated acid at equilibrium in M printf("\n Concentration of undissociated acid at equilibrium = %.3f M",x2) X=(x/x1)*100; //Percent dissociation of HCN printf("\nPercent dissociation = %.0f*10^-2 percent ",X*10^2);