//Example 9.1 m1=26.0;//Mass of 1st child (kg) m2=32.0;//Mass of 2nd child (kg) r1=1.60;//Distance of 1st child from pivot (m) r_p=0;//Distance of supporting force of pivot from pivot (m) g=9.80;//Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2) theta=90;//Angle (deg) //Torque tau=r*(m*g)*sind(theta) //Torque due to supporting force of pivot is zero as r_p=0 //For equilibrium,sum of torques must equal zero r2=(r1*m1*g*sind(theta))/(m2*g*sind(theta));//Distance of 2nd child from pivot (m) printf('a.Distance of 2nd child from pivot = %0.2f m',r2) F_p=(m1*g)+(m2*g);//Supporting force of pivot (N) printf('\nb.Supporting force of pivot = %0.1f N',F_p) //Answer varies due to round off error //Openstax - College Physics //Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11406/latest