//Example 8.7 m1=0.250;//Mass of object 1 (kg) m2=0.400;//Mass of object 2 (kg) v1=2.00;//Initial speed of object 1 (m/s) v1_final=1.50;//Final speed of object 1 (m/s) theta1=45;//Angle of emergence (deg) theta2=atand((v1_final*sind(theta1))/(v1_final*cosd(theta1)-v1));//Direction of velocity of object 2 (deg) printf('Direction of velocity of object 2 after collision = %0.1f deg\n',theta2) if theta2<0 printf('\t\t\t\t\t\t or %0.1f deg',360+theta2) end v2_final=-(m1/m2)*v1_final*(sind(theta1)/sind(theta2)); printf('\nMagnitude of velocity of object 2 after collision = %0.3f m/s',v2_final) //Answer varies due to round off error //Openstax - College Physics //Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11406/latest