//Example 32.7 Z=2;//Number of protons N=2;//Number of neutrons m_He4=4.002603;//Atomic mass of nuclide (u), See Appendix A m_H1=1.007825;//Atomic mass of a hydrogen atom (u), See Appendix A m_n=1.008665;//Atomic mass of a neutron (u), See Appendix A BE={[Z*m_H1+N*m_n]-m_He4}*931.5;//Binding Energy (MeV) //To get the above equation,start with //BE=(delta_m*c^2) where, //delta_m={[Z*m_H1+N*m_n]-m_He4} is the mass defect (u) and c is speed of light (m/s) //and use the conversion 1u = 931.5MeV/c^2 A=4;//Mass Number be=BE/A;//Binding energy per nucleon (MeV/nucleon); printf('Binding energy per nucleon of He-4 = %0.2f MeV/nucleon',be) //There is a small variation in the value of atomic mass of He-4 used in the textbook and the one found in Appendix A //Openstax - College Physics //Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11406/latest