//Example 28.4 v=0.5;//Speed of spaceship (in terms of c) u_1=0.75;//Speed of the cannister as observed from the spaceship when shot towards the Earth(in terms of c) c=1;//Speed of light (in terms of c) u=(v+u_1)/(1+v*u_1/c^2);//Speed of the cannister as observed from the Earth when shot toward it (in terms of c) printf('a.Speed of the cannister as observed from the Earth when shot toward it = %0.3fc',u) u_1b=-0.75;//Speed of the cannister as observed from the spaceship when shot away from the Earth (in terms of c) ub=(v+u_1b)/(1+v*u_1b/c^2);//Speed of the cannister as observed from the Earth when shot away from it (in terms of c) printf('\nb.Speed of the cannister as observed from the Earth when shot away from it = %0.3fc',ub) //Openstax - College Physics //Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11406/latest