//Example 25.10 f=40;//Focal length (cm) R=2*f;//Radius of curvature (cm) printf('a.Radius of curvature = %0.1f cm',R) L=1;//Length (m) A=(1/4)*2*%pi*(R*10^-2)*L;//Area of the concave mirror of length L (m^2) i=900;//Insolation (W/m^2) Q=i*A;//Insolation per meter length of pipe (W) printf('\nb.Amount of sunlight concentrated onto the pipe per meter = %0.1f W',Q) rho=8*10^2;//Density of mineral oil (kg/m^3) d=2*10^-2;//Pipe diameter (m) V=%pi*(d/2)^2*1;//Volume of 1m long section of pipe (m^3) m=rho*V;//Mass of mineral oil (kg) c=1670;//Specific heat of mineral oil (J/kg.C) delta_T=Q*60/(m*c);//Increase in temperature over 1 minute (C) printf('\nc.Increase in temperature = %0.1f C',delta_T) //Answers vary due to round off errors //Openstax - College Physics //Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11406/latest