//Example 14.1 T_f=80;//Final temperature (C) T_i=20;//Initial temperature (C) delta_T=T_f-T_i;//Temperature change (C) rho=1000;//Density of water (kg/m^3) V=0.250;//Volume (L) V=V*10^-3;//Volume (m^3) m_W=rho*V;//Mass of water (kg) c_W=4186;//Specific heat of water (J/kg.C), See Table 14.1 Q_W=m_W*c_W*delta_T/1000;//Heat required by water(kJ) printf('a.Heat required by water= %0.1f kJ',Q_W) m_Al=0.5;//Mass of aluminum (kg) c_Al=900;//Specific heat of aluminum (J/kg.C), See Table 14.1 Q_Al=m_Al*c_Al*delta_T/1000;//Heat required by aluminum (kJ) printf('\n Heat required by pan = %0.1f kJ',Q_Al) Q_total=Q_W+Q_Al;//Total heat transferred (kJ) printf('\n Total Heat required = %0.1f kJ',Q_total) printf('\nb.Percentage of heat used to heat the pan = %0.1f%%',Q_Al/Q_total*100) printf('\nc.Percentage of heat used to heat the water = %0.1f%%',Q_W/Q_total*100) //Openstax - College Physics //Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11406/latest