//Example 12.9 Q=0.120;//Flow rate (cm^3/s) Q=Q*(10^-2)^3;//Flow rate (m^3/s) r=0.150*10^-3;//Radius of needle (m) eta=1*10^-3;//Viscosity of saline solution(N.s/m^2) //Above information from Exercise 12.8 ////////////////////////////////////// A=%pi*r^2;//Cross-sectional area of needle v=Q/A;//Fluid speed (m/s) rho=1025;//Density of saline solution (kg/m^3) N_R=(2*rho*v*r)/eta;//Reynolds number printf('Reynolds number = %0.1f (flow in tube)',N_R) if N_R<2000 disp('The flow is laminar') elseif N_R>=2000&N_R<=3000 disp('The flow is unstable') else disp('The flow is turbulent') end //Answer slightly varies with the textbook given answer //Openstax - College Physics //Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col11406/latest