//example 2_13_a clear; clc; x1 = [1,1,1,1]; x2 = [2,2,2,2]; a = 1; b = 1; for t = 1:length(x1) x3(t) = a*x1(t)+b*x2(t); end for t = 1:length(x1) y1(t) = t*x1(t); y2(t) = t*x2(t); y3(t) = t*x3(t); end for t = 1:length(y1) z(t) = a*y1(t)+b*y2(t); end count = 0; for n =1:length(y1) if(y3(t)== z(t)) count = count+1; end end if(count == length(y3)) disp('Since It satisifies the superposition principle') disp('The given system is a Linear system') y3 z else disp('Since It does not satisify the superposition principle') disp('The given system is a Non-Linear system') end