clear //Initialisation OG=2*10**5 //Open Loop Gain CG=20 //Closed Loop Gain OR1=75 //Output Resistance IR1=2*10**6 //Input Resistance R1=20*10**3 //Resistnce in Ohm R2=10**3 //Resistnce in Ohm //Calculation AB=OG*CG**-1 //factor (1+AB) OR2=OR1*AB**-1 //Output Resistance //the input is connected to a virtual earth point by the resistance R2, //so the input resistance is equal to R 2 , IR2=R2 //Input Resistance //Result printf("\n Output Resistance = %.1f mOhm\n",OR2*1000) printf("\n Input Resistance = %d KOhm",IR2*10**-3)