clear // //given n=500 //speed to rotation p=12 //poles //case a f=n*p/120 //frequency printf("\n frequency= %0.0f Hz",f) //case b kp=1 //kp is the winding at full pitch //kd is the distribution factor where kd=sin[mk/2]/msin(k/2) where k is a gama function //m=108/12*3 m=3 //gama or k=180/slots per pole=9 k=20 //after substituting above values in kd we get kd=0.96 //z=108*12/3 = 432 ep=2.22*1*0.96*432*50*50*10**-3 printf("\n Phase emf= %0.3f v",ep) //case c vl=3**0.5*ep printf("\n The line voltage is= %0.3f v",vl)