//Fiber-optics communication technology, by Djafer K. Mynbaev and Lowell L. Scheiner //Example 8.1.1 //windows 8 //Scilab version-6.0.0 clc; clear ; //given //case 1 d1=65.5E-6;//diameter of the core considering 62.5+3 in m d2=59.5E-6;//diameter of the core considering 62.5-3 in m Losscore=-10*log10((d2/d1)^2);//Intrinsic loss due to diameter mismatch in dB mprintf("Intrinsic loss due to diameter mismatch = %.2fdB",Losscore); //case 2 NA1=0.290;//numerical aperture of fiber considering 0.275+0.015 NA2=0.260;//numerical aperture of fiber considering 0.275-0.015 LossNA=-10*log10((NA2/NA1)^2);//Intrinsic loss due to NA mismatch in dB mprintf("\nIntrinsic loss due to NA mismatch = %.2fdB",LossNA); //case 3 w1=9.8;//MFD considering 9.3+0.5 um w2=8.8;//MFD considering 9.3-0.5 um LossMFD=-10*log10(4/((w1/w2)+(w2/w1))^2);//Intrinsic loss due to NA mismatch in dB mprintf("\nIntrinsic loss due to MFD mismatch = %.2fdB",LossMFD);