//Fiber Optics Communication Technology, by Djafer K. Mynbaev and Lovell L.scheiner //Windows 7 //Scilab version- 6.0.0 //Example 3.4.1 clc; clear; //given NA=0.275;//numerical aperture N1=1.487;//refractive in dex c=3E8;//speed of light in m/s L=1E3;//length of the link a=N1*N1*N1; b=8*c*a; d=NA*NA*NA*NA; g=L*d; BRg1=(b/g); mprintf("The bits restricted by modal dispersion is=%.2f Gbit/s",BRg1/1e9);//division by 1e9 t0 convert unit from bits/sec to Gbits /sec