//Fiber Optics Communication Technology, by Djafer K. Mynbaev and Lovell L.scheiner //Windows 8 //Scilab version- 6.0.0 //Example 12.3.3 clc; clear; //given x=0.96;//assumed R*Gs value L=500E-4;//assumed length of a typical travelling-wave semiconductor amplifier in cm n=3.6;//refractive index of SOA medium c=3e10//spped of light in vaccum in cm/s v=c/n//speed of light within resonant cavity in cm/s y=asin((1-x)/(2*sqrt(x))); BWfpa=((v/L)*y);//Bandwidth of Fabry-perot semiconductor amplifier mprintf("Bandwidth of Fabry-perot semiconductor amplifier = %.2f *10^9 rad/s.",BWfpa/1e9);//division by 1e9 to convert unit from rad/s to 10^9 rad/sec //the answer given in the book is wrong//