//Fiber-optics communication technology, by Djafer K. Mynbaev and Lowell L. Scheiner //Example 10.3.1 //windows 7 //Scilab version-6.0.0 clc; clear; //given Ith1=40//threshold current in mA at 25 degree centigrade Ith2=66//threshold current in mA at 25 degree centigrade T1=25;//temperature in degree centigrade for calculation of threshold current T2=65//temperature in degree centigrade for calculation of threshold current delta=2.5//threshold current change with temperature in percent per degree centigrade Io=Ith1/(1+(delta/100)*T1);//characteristic current in mA at 0 x=log(Ith1/Io)//constant To=T1/x//characteristic temperature degree centigrade mprintf("Io =%0.0f mA ",Io) mprintf("\nTo =%0.0f degree Centigrade",To)//answer vary due to rounding