//Fiber-optics communication technology, by Djafer K. Mynbaev and Lowell L. Scheiner //Example 10.1.1 //windows 7 //Scilab version-6.0.0 clc; clear ; //given E=0.712;//the energy gap E=Ec-Ef in eV KBT=0.025;//Boltzman constant temperature product in eV e=1.6E-19;//Electrons value in Coulomb Y=E/KBT; fE= exp(-Y);//Probability of excited electrons at conduction band at room tenmperature mprintf("The probability of excited electrons at conduction band at room tenmperature = %.2f *1e-13 ",fE*1e13);//multiplication by 1e13 to change the unit to 1e-13