// Example 3_8 clc;funcprot(0); // Given data T_max=2830;// The maximum temperature in °C rho=200;// The density of the propellant gases in kg/m^3 R=8314.3;// N.m/(kgmole.K) M=23.26;// The molecular mass of the propellant gases in kg/kgmole b=0.960*10^-3;// The volume occupied by the molecules of the propellant gases in m^3/kg // Solution v=1/rho;// m^3/kg p_max=(R*(T_max+273.15))/(M*(v-b));// N/m^2 p_max=p_max/6894.76;// lbf/ in^2 absolute printf('\nThe maximum pressure in the breech as the cannon fires,p_max=%5.0f psia',p_max);