// Exa 4.2 clc; clear; // Given f = 83.3 ; // frequency of sinusoidal voltage in KHz // Solution // part a printf('Being sunchronised, the frequency of the saw-tooth wave will be a submultiple of the signal. \n'); printf(' Frequency of saw-tooth curve = %.2f kHz \n',f/10); F = f/10; printf(' Period of the saw-tooth curve = %.1f microsec \n',(1/F)*10^3); // since, Sine wave y = A sin theta // but y/A = 0.5(since, end of trace was at position half the amplitide away from x-axis) theta = asind(1/2) ; printf(' The 10th wave is in short of a complete since wave by %d degrees \n',theta); printf(' Therefore, No of full waves of sine form seen on the screen are 9 11/12 waveforms \n'); // Rise time +decay time = period of wave = 120 microsec T = 120 ; // period in microsec Rise_by_decay = (119/12) / (10- 119/12); DecayTime = Rise_by_decay/T; printf(' Decay time = %.1f microsec \n',round(DecayTime)); printf(' Rise time = %.1f microsec \n',T-DecayTime); // part b printf(' Since, increase time base frequency = 10/4 times the final value \n'); L = (10/4)* theta ; printf(' Length of trace blanked in degrees due to flyback time = %d degrees \n ',L); T_new = T*4/10; printf('Period of new time base = %d microsec \n',T_new); printf(' Rise time as per new time base = %d microsec \n',T_new-1);