// Formulae's from Example 1.6 are used here // Exa 1.7 clc; clear; // Given // Referring circuit given in Fig. 1.23 Rm = 1000; // Meter resistance in Ohms Im = 100*10^-6; // Meter current in Amp I1 = 1; // im Amp I2 = 0.1; // in Amp I3 = 10; // in Amp // Solution n = I3/I2; Rsh = Rm/(n-1); Rc = (Im/I2)*(Rsh+Rm); Rb = Rc - (Im/I1)*(Rsh+Rm); Ra = Rsh-(Rb+Rc); printf('The Values of Ra, Rb and Rc are %.2f Ohms, %.2f Ohms and %.2f Ohms respectively \n',Ra,Rb,Rc); //The answer provided in the textbook is wrong for Ra