clc TL=250 TH=291 COPR=TL/(TH-TL) mprintf("COPR=%f\n",COPR)//ans vary due to roundoff error QL=4*10^4 W=QL/COPR mprintf("W=%fkJ/d\n",W)//ans vary due to roundoff error CW=200 //compressor work in watts mprintf("Fraction of time compressor runs=%f\n",W/((CW*3600*24)/1000))//ans vary due to roundoff error TH=310 COPR=TL/(TH-TL) mprintf("COPR=%f\n",COPR)//ans vary due to roundoff error W=QL/COPR mprintf("W=%fkJ/d\n",W)//ans vary due to roundoff error mprintf("fraction of time the compressor runs=%f\n",W/((CW*3600*24)/1000))//ans vary due to roundoff error