clc P1=10^6 //pressure in pascal P2=4*10^6 //pressure in pascal h0=2776.2 //in kJ/kg v0=0.1943 //in metre-cube/kg hi=3215.7 //in kJ/kg u0=h0-(v0*(P1/1000)) mprintf("u0=%fkJ/kg\n",u0)//ans vary due to roundoff error V=2 //in metre-cube m0=V/v0 mi=m0 mprintf("mo=%fkg\n",m0)//ans vary due to roundoff error Tf=425 //final temperature assumed in celsius hf=3273.03 //in kJ/kg vf=0.0766 //in metre-cube/kg uf=hf-(vf*(P2/1000)) mprintf("uf=%fkJ/kg\n",uf)//ans vary due to roundoff error mf=V/vf mprintf("mf=%fkg\n",mf)//ans vary due to roundoff error mprintf("Final temperature=%iCelsius\n",Tf)//since mf(hi-uf)=m0(hi-u0) at this temperature mprintf("Mass of steam that enters tank=%fkg",mf-mi)//ans vary due to roundoff error