clc v1=0.0011145 V=0.05 mliquid=V/v1 mprintf("Mass of liquid=%fkg\n",mliquid)//ans may vary due to roundoff error h1=719.12 P1=0.792*10^3 u1=h1-(P1*v1) mprintf("u1=%fkJ/kg\n",u1)//ans may vary due to roundoff error v2=1/mliquid mprintf("v2=%fmetre-cube/kg\n",v2)//ans may vary due to roundoff error u2=u1 T=147.73 //temperature in Kelvin vf=1.088*10^-3 hf=622.4 vg=0.41845 hg=2742.55 X2=(v2-vf)/(vg-vf) mprintf("X2=%f\n",X2)//ans vary due to roundoff error h2=(X2*hg)+(1-X2)*hf mprintf("h2=%fkJ/kg\n",h2)//ans vary due to roundoff error P2=4.5*10^5 u2=(h2*10^3)-(P2*v2) mprintf("u2=%fkJ/kg\n",u2/1000)//ans may vary due to roundoff error