clc P1=24 P2=26 T1=300 T2=400 v1=0.10336 //at P1 and T1 v2=0.09483 //at P2 and T1 v3=0.12522 //at P1 and T2 v4=0.11526 //at P2 and T2 h1=3013.4 h2=3007.4 h3=3242.3 h4=3239 P3=25 h5=h1+(((h2-h1)*(P3-P1))/(P2-P1))//interpolation at T=300 v5=v1+(((v2-v1)*(P3-P1))/(P2-P1))//interpolation at T=300 h6=h3+(((h4-h3)*(P3-P1))/(P2-P1))//interpolation at T=400 v6=v3+(((v4-v3)*(P3-P1))/(P2-P1))//interpolation at T=400 T3=350 h7=h5+(((h6-h5)*(T3-T1))/(T2-T1))//interpolation at T=350 v7=v5+(((v6-v5)*(T3-T1))/(T2-T1))//interpolation at T=350 mprintf("v=%fmetre-cube/kg\n",v7)//ans may vary due to roundoff error mprintf("h=%fkJ/kg\n",h7)//ans may vary due to roundoff error