//Optoelectronics and Fiber Optics Communication by C.R. Sarkar and D.C. Sarkar //Example 1.1 //OS = Windows 7 //Scilab version 5.5.2 clc; clear; //given n1=1.500;//refractive index of core n2=1.450;//refractive index of cladding thetac=asind(n2/n1);//critical angle for core-cladding(in degrees) phim=90-thetac;//corresponding angle of obliqueness(in degrees) mprintf("\n Critical Angle for the core-cladding surface is =%.2f degrees ",thetac); mprintf("\n Corresponding Angle of Obliquences is= %.2f degrees",phim); Alpham=asind((n1/n2)* sind(phim));//acceptance angle mprintf("\n Acceptance Angle is =%.2f ",Alpham); NA=(((n1+n2)*(n1-n2))^0.5);//numerical aperture of the fiber mprintf("\n Numerical Aperture is =%.2f ",NA); p=((NA)^2 )*100;//percentage of light collected mprintf("\n Percentage of Light Collected is =%.2f percent",p); //the answers vary due to rounding