////Chapter No 14 Air Standard Cycles ////Example No 14.8 Page No 309 ///Find Max temp of cycle //Input data clc; clear; P1=0.1*10^6; //Otto cycle air T1=35+273; //Otto cycle temp degree celsius r=9; //Compression ratio Qs=1800; //Supplied heat in kJ/kg v1=9; v2=1; R=0.287*10^3; gamma1=1.4; Cv=0.718; //Calculation T2=(T1*((v1/v2)^(gamma1-1))); //Temperature at point 2 in K P2=(P1*((v1/v2)^1.4))*10^-6; //pressure at point 2 in MPa T3=((Qs/Cv)+(T2)); //Max temp of cycle in degree celsius P3=(T3/T2*P2); //Max pressure of cycle in MPa eta=100*(1-(1/(r^(gamma1-1))));//Otto cycle thermal efficiency in % WD=(Qs*eta)*10^-2; //Work done during the cycle in KJ/Kg v1=((R*T1)/P1); //Char gass equation in m^3/Kg v2=v1/r; //Char gass equation in m^3/Kg Sv=v1-v2; //Swept volume in m^3/Kg Pme=(WD/Sv)*10^-3; //Mean effective pressure in MPa alpha=P3/P2; //Explosion ratio Pm=(((P1*r)/((r-1)*(gamma1-1)))*(((r^(gamma1-1))-1)*(alpha-1)))*10^-6;//Mean effective pressure in MPa //Output printf('Temperature at point= %f K \n',T2); printf('pressure at point= %f MPa \n',P2); printf('Max temp of cycle= %f K \n',T3); printf('Max pressure= %f MPa \n',P3); printf('Otto cycle thermal efficiency= %f percent \n',eta); printf('Work done during the cycle= %f KJ/Kg \n',WD); printf('Char gass equation= %f m^3/Kg \n',v1); printf('Char gass equation= %f m^3/Kg \n',v2); printf('Swept volume= %f m^3/Kg \n',Sv); printf('Mean effective pressure= %f MPa \n',Pme); printf('Explosion ratio= %f \n',alpha); printf('Mean effective pressure= %f MPa \n',Pm);